It is about time I got around to adding the missing picture and straightening out the "chart" that fell apart.

First the Stats:

Magazine type - Tongue Pull wt. - oz. Improvement
Undisturbed - 10.2 oz.
Tuned w/factory spring - 8.4 oz. - 1.8 oz. & consistency
Un-tuned w/lite spring - 3.8 oz. - 6.4 oz.
Tuned w/lite spring - 3.1 oz. - 7.1 oz. & consistency

This is still ugly, but, if it does not collapse upon posting it is better than the previously posted chart.

The other parts that need "sanding" in order to tune the mag body are in the picutres below that I did not have room for in the original post:
1077 mag 018.jpg

As for my finding a half pound reduction in trigger pull and the referenced post finding no improvement... Well, you may or may not find all this effort producing any substantial improvement. I, in no way, am an authority, nor, have I put in the time researching the original compiler did in making a list of improvementmods. Call it beginners luck that I got different results at all.